Publish Azure Web App & Configure Project

To save data to the cloud as a json format we have to use our own website for POST data & GET data from web API. For that Azure itself provides a sharing service to easily publish web app service. Follow steps below to publish your own web app.

  • Step 1 : CloneAzureSpatialanchorsampleprojectfrom, and redirect Sharing -> SharingServiceSample folder.

  • Step 2 : Open SharingService.sln from the SharingServiceSample folder.

  • Step 3 : Once it opens in Visual studio, In Solution Explorer, right-click the SharingService project, and then select Publish.

The Publish Wizard starts. Select App Service > Publish to open the Create App Service pane. Once before creating an app service they ask the following criteria.

Resource group - you have already created a resource group when creating a spatial anchor resource & named the resource group myResourceGroup. Select your resource group there.

App Service plan - specifies the location, size, and features of the web server farm that hosts your app. You can save money when you host multiple apps by configuring the web apps to share a single App Service plan. Provide following default values.

  1. App service Plan - MySharingServicePlan

  2. Location - West US

  3. Size - Free

  • Step4 : In App Name, enter a unique app name.Valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and dashes (-), or accept the automatically generated unique name. The URL of the web app is https://<app_name> , where <app_name> is your wep app name.

Select Create to start creating the Azure resources. After the wizard finishes, it publishes the ASP.NET Core web app to Azure and then opens the app in your default browser.

The app name you used in this section is used as the URL prefix in the format https://<app_name> Copy this URL to a text editor for later use.

Now you can place your app URL to API Urls in General Configuration scripts mentioned before.

Also we have finished creating our custom scene. Now you can build the app, Next page we will discuss how to build your Easy AR Spatial Anchor App.

Last updated